Fact Checking Policy

At Aboutjobs (aboutjobs.in), we place great importance on delivering precise and reliable information to our readers. Our fact-checking procedure is crafted to uphold the credibility and integrity of the content we present. We adhere to the highest standards of journalism and are committed to swiftly rectifying any inaccuracies that may arise.

Verification Process

Prior to disseminating any news or information, our editorial team undertakes a comprehensive verification process. This involves cross-referencing details from various trustworthy sources, and assessing the reliability of those sources themselves.

Primary Sources

Whenever feasible, we emphasize the use of primary sources for our information. We prioritize direct quotes, official statements, and data from recognized authorities. In cases where primary sources are unavailable, we clearly communicate the foundation of the information and outline the verification steps undertaken.

Corrections and updates

If any errors or inaccuracies are identified after publication, we are committed to addressing them promptly. Corrections will be clearly shown at the beginning or end of the article, detailing the nature of the error and the correction that has been implemented.


We are committed to transparency in our fact-checking process. If readers have questions about our sources or the reliability of our information, we encourage them to contact our editorial team. We value feedback and corrections from our audience and welcome their input.


Our fact-checking process is impartial and non-partisan. We strive to deliver information in an objective manner while upholding the standards of journalistic integrity.

Fact checking requests

We welcome fact-checking inquiries from our readers. If you think there is a mistake in our content, please share detailed information, sources, and context to back up your assertion. Our editorial team will quickly look into the matter and implement any needed corrections.

Editorial Independence

Our fact-checking process is unaffected by outside influences, including advertisers and sponsors. We maintain editorial independence to guarantee the precision and impartiality of our content.

Continuos improvement

We are committed to the ongoing improvement of our fact-checking procedures. Our team participates in regular training sessions to remain updated on the best practices in journalism and fact-checking.

Aboutjobs is devoted to providing precise and trustworthy information while maintaining journalistic integrity. Our fact-checking policy demonstrates our commitment to transparency and accountable journalism.